Monday, November 12, 2012

English research paper survey

My theory is that women bear a greater burden of the recycling role than men.

My survey questions are below:

1)   Are you a college student?
2)   What is your gender?
3)   Do you recycle?
4)   How often do you recycle?
a)    always
b)   most of the time
c)    sometimes
d)   rarely
e)    never
5)   When did you start recycling?
6)   On the scale of 1-10, how important is recycling to you? (1 is the least important, 10 is the most important)
7)   Why do you or do you not recycle?
8)   Do your parents recycle?
9)   In your household, who recycles more often?
a)    my Mom
b)   my Dad
c)    neither
10)                  Who was the first to educate you about the importance of recycling?
a)    my Mom
b)   my Dad
c)    my Grandma
d)   my Grandpa
e)    teachers
f)     do no remember
g)    none of the above

I only have 7 responses right now, but I don't think results will be surprising to me. I'm targeting both the college students and their parents. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really interesting theory, and I'm excited to see how the results spin out. Looking back, I can see that many women in my life were very passionate about recycling, but I'm not sure if the amount surpassed that of men. Just as a suggestion, I would add a "both" option to question 9.

    1. yes
    2. female
    3. yes
    4. a
    5. around middle school - age 12
    6. 8
    7. responsibly disposing of materials is important to reduce landfills and reduce harmful chemicals from the degradation of the plastic materials.
    8. yes
    9. a
    10. e
